Discover Your Skin Type: A Step-by-Step Guide For People of Colour

Confused about your skin type? Our guide will help you identify it and create a tailored skincare routine for the best skin ever



Understanding the Importance of Knowing Your Skin Type

Embarking on the journey of skincare can often feel like navigating through a maze without a map. However, understanding your skin type is like finding that map, allowing you to make informed decisions about the products you choose and the care you provide to your skin. Knowing your skin type isn't just a foundational step; it's a critical aspect of ensuring your skin receives the right nutrients and treatment. It's the difference between a skincare routine that works harmoniously with your skin and one that may lead to irritation, breakouts, or ineffective results. So, let's dive into the world of skincare with enthusiasm and clarity, starting with the basics of identifying your unique skin type.

Your skin is as unique as your fingerprint, and it requires a personalized touch. By understanding whether you have dry, oily, combination, sensitive, or normal skin, you can select products that enhance your skin's natural qualities while addressing any concerns. It's the first step to a glowing complexion and a confident you. Remember, your skin type can change over time due to factors like age, hormones, and environment, so it's important to occasionally reassess and adjust your skincare approach accordingly.


Image demonstrating the T-zone areas for various skin types


The Initial Step: Observing Your Skin’s Characteristics

To kickstart your skincare discovery, begin by closely observing your skin without any products applied. After cleansing, let your skin breathe and return to its natural state. Take note of how it feels and looks. Is it tight and flaky, or does it quickly become shiny, especially in the T-zone area? (The T-zone area is your forehead and your nose) These observations are little clues to what your skin might be telling you.

Dry skin often feels tight and may show signs of flaking, while oily skin tends to have a glossy sheen and is prone to larger pores and breakouts.

Combination skin can be tricky, as it displays characteristics of both dry and oily skin, usually with oiliness in the T-zone and dryness on the cheeks.

Sensitive skin will react easily to certain products or environmental factors, often resulting in redness, itching, or burning sensations.

Normal skin is the most elusive, characterized by a balanced and even tone with minimal issues.

By closely examining these traits, you're well on your way to pinpointing your skin type and empowering yourself with the knowledge to choose the right skincare path.



Performing the Bare-Faced Test to Determine Skin Type

The bare-faced test is a simple and effective way to identify your skin type at home.

Steps to carry out the bare faced test

1. Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser and pat it dry. Resist the temptation to apply any moisturizer, serum, or treatment.

2. After an hour, examine your skin in a mirror under natural light. Pay attention to any shine on your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin.

3. Gently press a tissue against your face and see if oil transfers onto it, indicative of oily skin. If your skin feels parched and tight, it's likely dry.

4. If you notice oiliness in the T-zone but dryness on the cheeks, you're looking at combination skin.

5. No discomfort or shine? You might just be the owner of normal skin.

6. For those with sensitive skin, the signs may not be as overt in the bare-faced test. Instead, consider past reactions to skincare products or environmental triggers. If your skin often becomes red, itchy, or irritated, you likely have sensitive skin.

Remember, the bare-faced test isn't just a one-time experiment. Repeat it occasionally as your skin can evolve with seasons, age, and lifestyle changes. This test is your personal skincare experiment to revisit as you continue to decode the language of your skin.

Assessing Your Skin's Reaction to Different Products

A true indicator of your skin type is how it reacts to various skincare products. If you're using a moisturizer and your skin becomes excessively shiny or breaks out, it may be too heavy for your oily or combination skin. Conversely, if a product leaves your skin still feeling tight and undernourished, it might not be emollient enough for dry skin. Sensitive skin types should be cautious and look for products labeled 'for sensitive skin' or 'hypoallergenic' as a starting point. Patch testing new products can help you avoid a full-blown reaction and better understand your skin's likes and dislikes.

It's also important to consider the ingredients in skincare products. Heavy oils and fragrances can aggravate oily and sensitive skin types, while humectants like hyaluronic acid and glycerin are beneficial for dry skin. Salicylic acid can be a boon for acne-prone skin but may irritate sensitive skin. By turning into a skincare detective and tuning into your skin's responses, you'll build a routine that is both nurturing and effective, customized just for you.



Tailoring Your Skincare Routine Based on Skin Type

Armed with the knowledge of your skin type, you're now ready to tailor your skincare routine.

Dry skin focus on hydration and layers of moisture with creamy cleansers, rich moisturizers, and hydrating serums.

Oily skin benefits from lightweight, non-comedogenic formulas and gel-based products that regulate oil production without stripping the skin.

Combination skin requires a balancing act—oil-free moisturizers and spot treatments where needed.

Sensitive skin types should seek out gentle, soothing ingredients and avoid harsh exfoliants or high concentrations of active ingredients.

Normal skin may not require as much fine-tuning, but it still benefits from a consistent routine that protects and maintains its health.

No matter your skin type, sunscreen is non-negotiable for daily protection. Remember, skincare is personal, and what works for one may not work for another. Feel free to experiment within the guidelines of your skin type, and don't be afraid to consult with a dermatologist for personalized advice. With patience and care, you'll find the perfect skincare symphony that resonates with your unique skin.



Be patient with your skin

As you start your skincare routine, remember to be patient with your skin. It takes time to understand its needs and to see the results of your efforts. Trust the process, stay consistent, and give your skin the care it deserves. With patience and dedication, you'll discover the best routine for your unique needs and achieve a healthier, more radiant complexion.